Download papers, presentations or abstracts of the GSSI Conference 2013 in Aalen:
- Borgmeier, Arndt, and Klaus Rudiger (2013), Sales of B2B-Services: Isoquant Scheme Segmentation, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Brassier, Pascal (2013), Between Collaboration and Competition: Junior Salespeople’s Attitude in a Coercive Context, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Davis, Lenita, Andrea Dixon, and Ellen Pullins (2013), Understanding Distribution Channel Differences between Country Groups Based on Freedom, Economic and Technology Differences, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Homburg, Christian, Thomas Rajab, Sascha Alavi, Jan Wieseke (2013), R&D–Sales Integration in the Initial Stage of New Product Development: Does It Always Benefit Product Innovation Success?, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Hosoi, Kenichi, Wang Yi-Jen, and Miho Miyauchi (2013), Demand Creation through Business Network Coordination by Salespersons: The Case Study of Kagome’s Area Marketing, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Jager, Uwe (2013), Personal Sales in German Web Offset Printing Companies – Framework for an Industry Specific Potential Analysis – Schedule for a Pilot Study, GSSI Conference Proceedings.r
- Kothandaraman, Prabakar, Sudha Mani, Rajiv Kashyap, and Raj Agnihotri (2013), End-of-Quarter-Scrambling (EOQS): Aligning Sales Incentives or Power of Habit?, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Kreiss, Christian (2013), Advertising: Some Economic and Social Impacts, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Martin, Xavier C., and Rene Y. Darmon (2013), Managing and/or Leading the Sales Force? Impact on Performance, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Mulki, Jay P., Fernando Jaramillo, Martha R. Pesquera, and Vincent Onyemah (2013), Emotional Regulation and Salespeople, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Pentina, Iryna, Piotr Kwiatek, and Ellen Pullins (2013), Antecedents of Adopting Social Media Marketing for Sales: Comparing Emerging and Developed Economies, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Pinczolits, Karl (2013), How to Classify Salesmen and Increase Their Performance, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Poyry, Essi, Petri Parvinen, and Richard G. McFarland (2013), Using Clicks to Drive Influence Tactics Picks: Optimizing Offline Adaptive Selling through Online Click-through Data, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Salander, Britta (2013), Does Emotionality in Non-Personal Business-to-Business Communications Match Emotions Experienced in Organisational Buying?, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- van Kersen, Enno, and Peter Button (2013), 2013 Conference Proceedings – 3.3, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Waldeck, Nancy E, Subhadip Roy, and Ellen Pullins (2013), A Cross-Cultural Examination of Media Effects on Students Expectations for Sales Careers, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Weinberg, Frankie J., David A. Locander, William B. Locander, and Jay P. Mulki (2013), Self Isolation of Lone Wolf Salespeople: From Failed Social Learning to Positive Organizational Outcomes, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Whalen, D. Joel (2013), Science-Based Demonstrations You Can Use to Teach Your Students to be Better Business Communicators, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Zippel, Christian, and John Wilkinson (2013), The Use of Grounded Theory in Sales Research: Identifying Sales-Related Factors Affecting Retailer Cooperation, GSSI Conference Proceedings.