What GSSI means:
The Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) is an international network formed in 2007 by both academics and practitioners involved in B2B sales & B2B sales management. Its aim is to unite the scientific research, teaching and best practice of professional B2B selling & sales management around the globe. It brings together scholars and practitioners from across the world to further advance global collaboration in B2B sales research, practice, and education.
What GSSI offers:
- Annual conferences in different locations
- A global network of researchers, teachers and practitioners
- Academic job offers
- Database of over 240 scientific papers on B2B sales freely accessible (proceedings of the conferences)
In order to facilitate the exchange, the GSSI has chosen a light organisation form. There are no official memberships and no fees. To become a member, please send us your request and email address. Then, you will be included in the mailing list and receive all information and messages until cancel notification.
President and Chair of Strategy:
Prof. Pia Hautamäki, Tampere University, Finland
Past President, Vice Chair of Elections:
Prof. Margarethe Überwimmer, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
Past President, Vice Chair of Elections and AMA liaison:
Prof. Dawn Deeter-Schmelz, Kansas State University National Strategic Selling Institute, USA
Vice Chair and President Elect:
Prof. Stefan Wengler, HOF University, Germany
Vice Chair of International Relations:
Prof. Ellen Bolman Pullins, University of Toledo, USA
Vice Chair of Scientific Research:
Prof. Willy Bolander, Florida State University, USA
Vice Chair of Communications:
Prof. Piotr Kwiatek, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
Vice Chair of Conference Planning and Promotion:
Prof. Stefan Wengler, HOF University, Germany
Vice Chair of Media Content:
Prof. Catherine Johnson, University of Toledo, USA
Future Chairs of Conference:
Dr. Teidorlang Lyngdoh, Indian Institute of Management, Shillong, India
Dr. Raj Agnihotri, Ivy College of Business, USA
Dr. Michel Klein, EM Strasbourg Business School, France
Past Chairs of Conference:
Prof. Christophe Fournier, University of Montpellier, France
Prof. Christine Lai-Bennejean, EM Lyon, France
Prof. Nawar Chaker, Louisiana State University, USA