Download papers, presentations or abstracts of the GSSI Conference 2012 in Turku:
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- Allen, Concha, Michael L. Mallin, and Ellen Bolman Pullins (2012), Intergenerational Recruiting, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Andersson, Linn and Lena Hohenschwert (2012), Closer to a Win-Win Situation: Changes in the Salesperson-Customer Relationship when Implementing Value Selling, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Avlonitis, George J. and Konstantinos Lionakis (2012), Examining the Relative Power of Marketing and Sales Depts, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Baker, David S. and Duleep Delpechitre (2012), Collectivistic and Individualistic Performance Expectancy in the Utilization of Sales Automation Technology in an International Field Sales Setting, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Brassier, Pascal, Erick Leroux, and Pierre Piré-Lechalard (2012), Objectivity of Shared Evaluations of Sales Practices, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Dekker, Hans and Gillian Wright (2012), Initial Encounters: The Lived Experience of Buyers, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Honeycutt, Earl, Michael Rodriguez, and Ellen Bolman Pullins (2012), Cross-Cultural Equivalence: Global Sales Training, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Hosoi, Kenichi, Yoshiyuki Nakagawa, Yoritoshi Hara, and Miho Miyauchi (2012), Network Bias: A Pitfall Inherent in Relationship Selling, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Jokiniemi, Sini (2012), The Emergence of Value in a Sales Meeting: The Salesperson’s Perspective, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Mantrala, Murali K., Kalyan Raman, Sönke Albers, Chad Albrecht, Anne Coughlan, Songjun Luo, Ramendra Singh, and Jenna Massey (2012), Global Experts’ Perspectives on Sales Force Compensation Practice: State-of-the-Art and New Research Directions, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Miyauchi, Miho, Masae Takimoto, Yoshiyuki Nakagawa, and Masaaki Takemura (2012), Why Key Account Organization Does Not Fix: A Japanese Case, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Parvinen, Petri and Olli Tiaine (2012), What is e-Selling?, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Poyry, Essi, Petri Parvinen, Tuuli Malmivaara (2012), Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations to Use Facebook Brand Communities and their Effect on Purchase Intentions, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Ragland, Charles B. and Michael Rodriguez (2012), Cultural Differences in the Use of Entertaining in Sales, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Schetzle, Stacey and Tanya Drollinger (2012), The Use of Dominance Analysis to Identify Key Factors in Salespeople’s Cooperation with the Sales Manager, GSSI Conference Proceedings.