Download papers, presentations or abstracts of the GSSI conference 2010 in Poznán:
- Albrecht, Ulrike, Arndt Borgmeier and Anja Krieg (2010), Implications of Different Types of Networking in the Sales Process, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Avlonitis, George J., Constantinos Lionakis and Nikolaos Panagopoulos (2010), Antecedents and consequences of the conflict between the Marketing and Sales departments, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Cybulski, Krzysztof, Maciej Misztak and Arkadiusz Psyk (2010), The relation between the salespeoples’satisfaction with the organization and their intention to voluntary leave the company. Research note., GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Golik-Górecka, G. (2010), The marketing – finance interface in sales strategy, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Grohmann, Alexander and Jobst Görne (2010), Market response time as a new approach for more effective marketing planning in different B2B industries, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Guenzi, Paolo and Federico Panzeri (2010), Prosocial behaviors of salespeople: an exploratory study, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Guzek, Fred (2010), It is Time for Sales Educators to Take SPIN ® Seriously, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Görne, Jobst (2010), Measuring Business Performance Indicators of SMEs in B2B Markets, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Hosoi, Kenichi, Yoritoshi Hara and Masaaki Takemura (2010), Japanese Sales: Not just about sales but also about conducting business, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Kruk, Marek (2010), Customer Commitment and Marketing Communication Tools in the Sales, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Maurer, Christian (2010), Qualitative Method to Detect the Tipping Point in the Product Life Cycle Curve to Assure Sustainable Revenue Growth, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Mitręga, Maciej and Gregor Pfajfar (2010), Sales People and CRM Systems in B2B Context – The Interpretative Study, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Mącik, Radosław and Dorota Mącik (2010), Profile of Consumer Decision-Making Styles and Retail Format Choice, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Pinczolits, Karl, Daniela Vevera and Marina Pinczolits-Benczak (2010), Sales force effectiveness and its key success factors in the last 10 years – an empirical approach, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Pindelski, Mikołaj, Katedra Teorii Zarządzania and Szkoła Główna Handlowa (2010), Key Behaviours of Best Sales Representatives, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Pullins, Ellen Bolman, David Strutton and Iryna Pentina (2010), The Role of Creativity in Sales: Current Research and Future Directions, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Schrader, Marc Falko (2010), Sales and key account management of professional services firms, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Stefańska, Magdalena (2010), The role of sales persons in the positioning strategy of small retail shops, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Szuster, Mariusz (2010), Sophisticated Sales and Suplly Chain Strategies as a Remedy for Mistaken Forecasts, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Zaczkiewicz, Roman (2010), Balanced Reciprocity in the Branch – an Ethnographic Approach, GSSI Conference Proceedings.
- Zippel, Christian and John Wilkinson (2010), The role of the salesforce in achieving cooperation from dominant channel partners, GSSI Conference Proceedings.